Samba Configuration


What is Samba

  • From “Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix.”
  • Provides file and print sharing for Windows clients from Linux servers.
  • Samba is freely available under the GNU General Public License.
Getting Samba to Work
  • Install Samba
  • Configure Samba
  • Add users ( smbpasswd )
  • Connect from Windows Client

 Installing Samba

  • Install from source or ...
  • Install from package 
    • Debian based OS ■ apt-get install samba cifs-utils smbclient
    • Fedora based OS ■ yum install samba cifs-utils smbclient                

Check for samba processes

After installation samba is generally started automatically

# ps ax | grep mbd

   25690   ?   Ss 0:16   /usr/sbin/smbd  -D

   25726   ?   S 0:02    /usr/sbin/smbd   -D

   25742   ?   Ss 0:09   /usr/sbin/nmbd  -D

Typical samba server processes

Configuring Samba

        ● smb.conf is the configuration file for samba

        ● Generally located at /etc/samba/smb.conf

        ● Detailed and richly commented file with many options explained

Three different smb.conf configs

Today demonstrate three different samba configurations. The first is a very simple two line config to a more complex, but still simple config that includes shared printers and something in between.

smb.conf configuration

        ● Backup the original
           mv smb.conf smb.conf.master 

        ● Create minimal smb.conf using text editor
            vim smb.conf

smb.conf file sections 

 ● Enclosed in brackets [ ]

 ● Each section in the configuration file (except for the [global] section) describes a share

 ● There are three special sections, [global], [homes] and [printers]

 ● Any other section describes a shared resource, i.e. [data] or [photos] and how it is shared.

First smb.conf file - two lines! 


 read only = no 

● [homes] special section provides access to the users /home/username directory. 

● Default of read only=yes so we need to override the default

[homes] special section

A fast and simple way to give a large number of clients access to their home directories with a minimum of fuss. 

For example mapping a drive to G: to \\server\homes gives access to files in /home/username on the samba (Linux) server 

smbpasswd command

Used to create and manage samba users 

smbpasswd -a username

 New smb password:

username is the same name as existing linux user name. Password that will be used from Windows client.

 smbpasswd username changes a password

Restart samba

  • Be sure to restart samba after smb.conf changes.
  • Check your changes with testparm. 

         smbcontrol all reload-config

         /etc/init.d/samba restart (Debian)

          service smbd restart (Debian)

          service smb reload (Fedora)

testing with smbclient 

ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers 

Test if samba is sharing:

 smbclient -N -L localhost

Simiilar to Windows net view command

Connect with smbclient 

smbclient -U mmaki  //kona/homes 

Enter mmaki's password:

 Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.6.18] smb: \> smbclient -U mmaki //kona/mmaki Enter mmaki's password: Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.6.18]

smb: \> 

ls ls should give you a file listing

Create a shared share (smb.conf #2) 


         comment = Shared Data 

         path = /home/share 

         guest ok = Yes 

By default shares are read only unless the read only = no option is present. Anyone can access this share but not change or delete anything. Restart samba...

Create the directory on server 

# mkdir /home/share 

# chown /home/share 

From your Linux account you now have complete control of this directory.

No Password Anonymous login 

smbclient //localhost/share

A password will be prompted but none need be entered. In fact entering a password will cause it to fail because of the “map guest to” configuration.

Accessing it from Windows

Mapping a drive from Windows such as

 \\servername\share connects to /home/share

 net use H: \\servername\share gives access to files in /home/share/ on the samba (Linux) server

Current smb.conf 

Provides private home directory and a shared directory. 


     read only = no 


     comment = Shared Data 

     path = /home/share

     read only = No 

     guest ok = Yes

Semi-auto smb.conf configuration 

        ● Backup working config 

        mv smb.conf smb.conf.working 

        ● Create minimal smb.conf using testparm 

        testparm -s smb.conf.master > smb.conf

testparm generated smb.conf 

● Provides private home share. 

● Shared printers already established using CUPS (easy printer setup process) 

● Other password and miscellaneous configuration settings 

● Add other shares if needed (i.e. [shared]) discussed earlier.

testparm command 

● Used to check an smb.conf configuration file for internal correctness 

● Using it with -s option and directing the output to a file results in a minimal working server with private home directories and existing print shares 

● Very convenient starting smb.config

smb.conf #3 private, share, & print 



[homes]                                                                                        comment = All printers

      guest ok = no                                                                           path = /var/spool/samba

      read only = no                                                                          create mask = 0700

                                                                                                       printable = Yes 

[share]                                                                                            print ok = Yes 

comment = shared Data                                                                 browseable = Yes

path = /home/share                                                      [print$]

        read only = No                                                                        comment = Printer Driver

        guest = Yes                                                                              path = /var/lib/samba/printers

Connecting to Windows from Linux 

smbclient works but very clumsy ftp like client. 

mount.cifs <remotetarget> <dir> -o <options>

mount.cifs -o mount.cifs //server/share /mnt/windows -o user=winusername 

Must be run as root. 

Prompted for user Windows password.

Connecting to Windows from Linux using fstab entry 

All options set in /etc/fstab file 

Create an /etc/fstab/ entry to mount as regular user. 

\\winsrvr\share \home\username\win cifs user,rw 0 0

Mount Windows Share on Linux 

If your /etc/fstab entry is correct all you need to do is enter 

mount win 

You will be prompted for your Windows password.

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